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  balance  (12,226 offers of 5,745,960 product items)

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Arcol, 3.3kΩ 25W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS25 3K3 J ±5% / 2522782 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 25W Aluminiu...
HS25 3K3 J
from £ 2.367*
per piece
Arcol, 47kΩ 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 47K J ±5% / 159679 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 47K J
from £ 3.527*
per piece
Arcol, 390mΩ 25W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS25 R39 J ±5% / 1073829 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 25W Aluminiu...
HS25 R39 J
from £ 3.625*
per piece
Arcol, 330Ω 25W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS25 330R J ±5% / 160815 (4 offers) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 25W Aluminiu...
HS25 330R J
from £ 1.56*
per piece
Arcol, 3.3kΩ 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 3K3 J ±5% / 2522861 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 3K3 J
from £ 2.67*
per piece
Arcol, 47Ω 75W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS75 47R J ±5% / 3091100 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 75W Aluminiu...
HS75 47R J
from £ 6.289*
per piece
Arcol, 39Ω 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 39R J ±5% / 1074153 (2 offers) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 39R J
from £ 1.89*
per piece
Arcol, 33kΩ 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 33K J ±5% / 159663 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 33K J
from £ 2.588*
per piece
Arcol, 3.3Ω 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 3R3 J ±5% / 160916 (4 offers) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 3R3 J
from £ 1.58*
per piece
Arcol, 5.6kΩ 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 5K6 J ±5% / 2522877 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 5K6 J
from £ 3.393*
per piece
Arcol, 47Ω 25W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS25 47R J ±5% / 157572 (4 offers) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 25W Aluminiu...
HS25 47R J
from £ 1.66*
per piece
Arcol, 33Ω 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 33R J ±5% / 160972 (3 offers) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 33R J
from £ 1.80*
per piece
Arcol, 330mΩ 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 R33 J ±5% / 160887 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 R33 J
from £ 3.144*
per piece
Arcol, 50mΩ 25W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS25 R05 J ±5% / 160641 (1 offer) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 25W Aluminiu...
HS25 R05 J
from £ 4.02*
per piece
Arcol, 5.6Ω 50W Wire Wound Chassis Mount Resistor HS50 5R6 J ±5% / 1074131 (3 offers) 
To achieve the given maximum performance rating of this power resistor, it is designed to be directly mounted on an appropriately matched heatsink and mounted using a thermal compound. 50W Aluminiu...
HS50 5R6 J
from £ 1.66*
per piece
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