These are superfine grits, the stones are used to bring the metal to an absolute mirror finish, and hence an ultra sharp edge. Whereas the coarser stones can be stored in water, these fine stones are harder and not so porous, so only need to be sprinkled with water just before use, and left dry at all other times. They are mounted on bases and the very finest are supplied with a Nagura stone; used to de-glaze, true and build up slurry on the surface of the stone, which helps the polishing process
Superfine grits for absolute mirror finishes and ultra sharp edges
Can be left dry when not in use
Base mounted 10,000 grit stone supplied with Nagura stone
Grit - 10,000
Size - 205mm x 75mm x 25mm
Standard Equipment
1x Ice Bear 384033 Japanese Waterstone Polishing 10000 Grit & Nagura Stone